Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Apostolic Awesomness

Awesome quote from a 12 year old below:

My dearest family and friends...
My mind is going 50000 miles per hour this morning so I am sorry if this email doesn't make any sense at all.
This week was a unique one. Monday was so SAD! Sister Tarwater and I drove to the mission home and said goodbye.. I cried like a baby. It was so hard walking away. I was with a newish missionary, sister Petrie for the rest of the week until sister Griffin arrived. Sis Petrie serves in nagshead currently, and we both just cried the rest of preparation day because our companions were gone. Girls are pathetic....
I was so excited to just get out and work. Teaching cures all things. Once we walked out of the door and saw people outside and fulfilled our purpose to invite people to come unto Christ... the sadness left and was taken over by peace and joy for the gospel of our savior.
Sadly Monday night I awoke many times to sister Petrie puking in the bathroom... I accidentally almost killed her. Oops. I fed her old leftovers and she got food poisoning... Hahhaha. So the next couple of days were rough and I started going stir crazy inside. The missionary nurse banned her from working for a couple days.
Thursday and half of Wednesday we had some great, hard days. This week we hardly had any appointments set so we spent our time walking around looking for people to teach, and following up on people we have already met. We saw some investigators who had been very hard to get in contact with and had lessons with them, received a lot of hope from members as they told us the people they were working with and accepted the commitment to extend invitations to their friends.
We taught Little F and his Mom, recent convert, last night at an FHE with some amazing members. On the car ride home F told us "Before I learned about repentance, I used to cry at night because I thought I would always feel guilty. Now I know I don't have to." Profound 12 year old. He will get baptized soon :) cant wait!
K  is still MIA. We have dropped her and a couple other investigators and are on to find the prepared!  Miracles are happening in great bridge.
Yesterday at church a former investigator whom I met once, who is the sister of a really less active guy came to church. She actually dragged her brother who I baptized to come. We set up a time to see her and she is going to be at church NEXT week too! She had a huge change of heart! This will be one amazing transfer!!!!!!!!!
The highlight of the week was-aside from getting my new amazing hilarious hardworking companion sister griffin-was seeing ELDER BEDNAR of the quorum of the 12 Apostles speak to us.
We drove up to Portsmouth Friday night and spent the night at the office staff missionaries home-the Simmons. they are hilarious. cutest senior couple ever. we woke up super early and left to drive to Richmond. this was a once in a life time opportunity... we got to hear from elder Bednar, bishop Davies don't of the presiding bishopric, and the president of the 70 but I don't remember his name… oops.
The spirit was so strong as we heard from Gods chosen servants. We had a question and answer session, and a sessions where elder Bednar asked us what impressions we had as we read 3 talks he asked us to study in preparation.
Some things that impressed me:
We need to get out of the way and let the spirit lead.
We need to become a missionary. As we become a missionary and are converted to the gospel and always stay a missionary-no matter if you are full time or life long-you will not fall away.
we need to get married-i will explain this one on mothers day day... so funny. they told us if we don't get along with our companions we aren't ready for marriage! hahaa
I heard 2 presidencies and 1 prophet, seer and revelator bare witness of the savior and his gospel. I will never forget the spirit that i felt. I have never felt it so strongly as this. To hear such a powerful testimony was inspiring and heart stirring. He gave us his apostolic promise that as we taught and lived what we taught we would never fall away…
I am so grateful for the privilege I had to see and hear from the Lords servants. I learned so many things and I will never forget the spirit that was felt.
I am amazed every day at the joy that I feel as I am talking to strangers, teaching randoms about Jesus, and giving all of my heart, might, mind and strength to the people here in Virginia. I know this work is necessary and it really is the work of the Lord. If it is not, there would be no way I could do what I do every single day. Some one who is so naturally timid and afraid to talk to strangers could NOT do what I do every single day if this wasn't God's work and glory. I know that missionary work is the most important work we will ever do, and we are always responsible to do this duty, no matter where we are.
Love you all!!!!!!!!! have a miraculous week!
sister snow
PS-Cant wait to see the fam on mothers day!!!! And thank you grandma and gpa Taylor for the bday balloons! So awesome!  Sis griffin and I had a party!

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